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  • Error with navigation contributor "BrowserModule"
  • Failed to sync with repository "(default)": instance.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode; repository information may be out of date. Look in the Trac log for more information including mitigation strategies.

Version 1 (modified by trac, 17 years ago) (diff)


Trac Logging

Trac supports logging of system messages using the standard logging module that comes with Python.

Logging is configured in the [logging] section in trac.ini.

Supported Logging Methods

The log method is set using the log_type configuration option, which takes any of the following values:

Suppress all log messages.
Log messages to a file, specified with the log_file option in trac.ini.
Output all log entries to console (tracd only).
(UNIX) Send messages to local syslogd via named pipe /dev/log.
(Windows) Use the system's NT eventlog for Trac logging.

Log Levels

The verbosity level of logged messages can be set using the log_level directive in trac.ini. The log level defines the minimum level of urgency required for a message to be logged.

The levels are:

Log only the most critical (typically fatal) errors.
Log failures, bugs and errors.
Log warnings, non-interrupting events.
Diagnostic information, log information about all processing.
Trace messages, profiling, etc.

See also: TracIni, TracGuide, TracEnvironment